Always-on cloud
Our systems use an always-on cloud-based system, providing secure, online access through any modern web browser on Windows, Mac or Linux, wherever you are.
Our systems use the latest security to keep your data safe. Our website is accessed using an SSL certificate that encrypts data in transit, preventing others from intercepting that data. All our systems use secure web hosting and database servers within UK data centres. Your information is backed up on a daily basis and encrypted for additional security.
Ease of use
Designed to be used through a modern web browser, Horizon CPD provides a system that you can access no matter where you are, as long as you have an internet connection. By using a web browser you can access Horizon CPD on any operating system, tablet or phone.
Horizon CPD is cloud based, which means we keep the software up-to-date to provide a service that is reliable and modern. You never have to worry about installing software on your own systems, or setting up and maintaining servers to manage your data. More reliable than Excel spreadsheets.
Horizon CPD is always working on new features so you will always have the tools needed to manage your CPD record-keeping. No new versions to buy, no complex installations, our subscriptions provide the latest software for all.
For more information please feel free to contact us.