CPD Evaluation

Reflecting and CPD evaluation on a learning activity is part of the CPD cycle that can often be overlooked. Taking the time to evaluate each learning experience can help individuals understand what they’ve learnt and how it can be applied to their day-to-day role.

CPD Evaluation

Review CPD objectives

Horizon CPD prompts individuals to evaluate the training they have completed. This is particularly important for Structured CPD where it’s necessary to be able to show why the training was relevant and how it can be applied in the workplace.

Evaluate purchased courses

With Horizon CPD, you can record all of your purchased courses to help with CPD evaluation. Your Manager’s Dashboard shows at-a-glance the number of courses used and those remaining. Your staff members are able to give simple feedback on how effective they felt the training was. Each training course can be rated against key criteria which helps you decide which courses to purchase next year and which training providers are the best use of your money.

Annual review tools

With all your staff’s training and self-evaluation records securely stored in Horizon CPD, the information you need for end-of-year reviews is readily available at your fingertips.

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