Find your true self

10 questions to help find your true self

To find your true self it is important to know who you are, what you stand for and your beliefs, because to know yourself is the only way to really be in control of your life, build your self-confidence and set your own destiny.

I know, I know, that’s really deep. But break this down to the most simple ideas – accepting yourself,  independence and decision making.

Accepting yourself

Accepting yourself, the good bad and the ugly is liberating, don’t deny things which may be considered negative as this can work against you, embrace it as part of you, reflect on the benefits of it and move on.


Independence is so important, it is always good for you to think for yourself  and make opinions for yourself. Know what is good for you and what works for you, anyone else’s opinion can be considered but only you should now what is best for you.

Decision making

When you can think for yourself and have the confidence in your own opinions you will find you can make better decisions, weighing up your options quickly and using critical thinking problem-solving skills.

So, what questions should you be asking yourself?

  1. What do I really want?
    So much to do but so little time. Find meaning in the things that you do. Don’t waste your time and you will only regret later on down the line.
  2. Am I happy with where I am at currently?
    You can be chasing a career, wealth or a relationship and when you achieve these, you can still realise that you are not happy with where you are.
  3. What motivates me?
    The classic job interview question, it doesn’t have a right or wrong answer. Only you can find out what motivates you so try different things and find out.
  4. Am I comfortable with what I am currently doing?
    Comfort is not always the best place to be, whist it can describe a place you are happy it can also be somewhere where you are lazy and not push yourself.
  5. Have I done enough for myself?
    Is there more you want to do? Make sure what you are doing is for yourself and not someone else. A little bit of selfishness can be good here.
  6. Am I ready to change?
    Sometimes you know when it is time to change but other-times you need to look at the signs. Are you unhappy, bored and lack motivation. Feeling stressed? All are signs that you may be ready for a change.
  7. What could I have?This is really about your ambition and how much your desire something. What are you willing to do and how hard are you willing to work to get there?
  8. Am I looking after myself?
    Often overlooked but the importance of looking after yourself can never be underestimated. Eating well, exercising and shaping up in any way will always be for your own benefit
  9. What is important to you?
    Really think hard about what is important to you. Know what your ethical principles are, know what lines you won’t cross. These values guide your everyday life, help you to tell the truth, keep promises and how you deal with other people.
  10. What gets you excited about life?
    This is only something you can answer, there are probably many things that make you happy but if you were to choose only one what would that be? How can you include this in your life more often?

Learning more about your self will help you to learn, develop and grow. The answers to these questions will not be static throughout your life, so come back and run through these questions regularly to find your true self.

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