Talk To Your Boss About Your Goals

How to Talk To Your Boss About Your Goals

When we talk about career goals, we often focus on our own aspirations and how to achieve them. But what about your boss? If you want to get ahead in your company, you need to make sure that your boss is on board with your career trajectory. That means talking to him or her about your ambitions—and doing so in a way that makes sense for both of you. Here are some tips for having those conversations:

Talk about the company’s goals.

You should also make sure your boss knows about the company’s goals. If you can demonstrate how your goals align with those of the organization, it will help them see that investing in you is an investment in the company as a whole. You might even want to bring up specific projects or initiatives that have been discussed at meetings, but which haven’t yet been assigned to anyone yet, and propose that one day soon they could be yours!

Talk about your goals and why they align with the company’s.

It’s time to talk about your goals and why they align with the company’s.

  • Talk about what you’re looking to achieve in your career.
  • Explain how your goals align with the company’s goals.
  • Explain how you can help the company achieve its goals, by working on projects that align with them or by taking on new responsibilities in order to advance within the organization as a whole (or both). If there are any opportunities for this type of work available at your job, ask if there is any chance that one might come up soon so that you can get started sooner rather than later!

Provide examples of ways you have helped the company meet its goals so far.

It’s important to be able to provide concrete examples of how you have helped the company achieve its goals in the past. If you can’t think of any examples, ask your boss for help. He or she might be able to give some specific examples that will help jog your memory–and inspire confidence in the future!

In addition to these general tips, here are some specific things to keep in mind:

  • Your answers should be specific and measurable; “I worked hard” isn’t as helpful as “I worked hard by completing 80% of my tasks on time every day for two months straight.”
  • Avoid platitudes like “I’m dedicated” or “I’m always looking out for ways we can improve our process.” These statements sound good but don’t tell anyone anything valuable about what makes you special as an employee (or how they can help).

Bring up specific projects that you would like to work on in the future that align with the company’s goals and your own.

  • Bring up specific projects that you would like to work on in the future that align with the company’s goals and your own.
  • Explain how these projects will help the company meet its goals.
  • Give examples of how you have helped the company meet its goals so far, or explain how your experience has prepared you for this role.

Ask what steps you can take to advance your career in the coming months and years.

If you want to advance your career, it’s not enough to just keep doing what you’re doing. You need to show that you’re committed and willing to go above and beyond. Asking for feedback on your performance is a good way of doing this–it shows that you care about getting better at what you do, and it gives your boss an opportunity to give specific suggestions on how they think you could improve.

If there are opportunities available within the company (for example, if someone has left), then it makes sense for them as well as for their boss if they recommend someone internally rather than hiring externally or promoting from within another department/team altogether. This will also help ensure that employees feel valued by being given responsibility early on in their careers instead of waiting until later when promotions are harder won because people have already moved onto other jobs elsewhere so there aren’t many positions left open anymore.”

The best way to talk about your career goals is to first understand what your boss wants from you and how you can help him or her achieve them

The best way to talk about your career goals is to first understand what your boss wants from you and how you can help him or her achieve them. Talking about the company’s goals will help you see how they align with yours, which will make it easier for both of you to set aside time for the conversation.

If you’re having trouble finding common ground, consider this: The most effective way of communicating with others is through empathy. Instead of focusing on what’s in it for them, try thinking about how they might feel if they were in your shoes–and then act accordingly!


The best way to talk about your career goals is to first understand what your boss wants from you and how you can help him or her achieve them. Once you know this information, then it’s time to bring up specific projects that align with those goals–and ask what steps you can take to advance your career in the coming months and years.

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