Setting goals

Setting goals – how to make the most of them

Setting goals, both personal and professional are a proven technique to not only help you to achieve something meaningful but also enjoy the process, build self-confidence and increase the success rate of meeting them.

It is easy to set goals, but achieving them can be harder, that is why it is important when setting targets to ensure that they are difficult, but not unachievable. Remember that setting goals improve performance and hard targets improve performance more than easy targets. It can be a fine line between setting goals that are too easy, and ones that are too difficult, both can be unproductive for self-improvement, too easy targets can cause a lack of motivation, and too difficult targets can cause a lack of confidence.

Make sure your goals are not set too far in the future, taking too long to reach your targets can destroy your motivation, it is much better to break larger targets into smaller bite-size ones that are easier to reach and are achievable.

To get the most out of your goals you should write them down, this simple action cements these ideas into your brain and makes you much more likely to both act on, and achieve these targets. Making plans and setting action points to identify how you are going to achieve your recorded targets increases your chances of meeting your targets even more so. Setting targets such as how, when and where you will be carrying out behaviour that will be used to reach your goals.

Measuring your goals

It is important to measure your goals so you can identify exactly want you want to achieve and record how much you have achieved. Keeping a documented and measurable goal is proven to improve your motivation and your performance in completing that goal.

Make sure your goals are specific, things that are difficult to quantify such as wanting to spend more time learning new things  is difficult to measure. Instead, try specifying a timeframe like one hour a day, or a unit such as a particular course to be completed within the next four weeks.

This will give each goal a measurable unit and will allow you to quantify your success.
